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Advancing urban rights. Equality and diversity in the city

The CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) has recently published a report entitled "Advancing urban rights. Equality and diversity in the city", coordinated by Eva Garcia-Chueca, investigadora senior y coordinadora científica del programa ciudades globales, CIDOB, y Lorenzo Vidal , investigador, y gestor de proyectos, CIDOB (Eds.), and including some contribution of Jordi Baltá Portolès, expert on culture and sustainable cities of the Committee on Culture of UCLG.
The monograph engages with issues, related to the Right to the City, urban and human right, the promotion of diversity, and guaranteeing equality for all as responsibilities of cities and local governments. It focuses, in particular, on identifying and analysing redistribution and recognition policies, especially at local level, institutional change and social production of the city in an increasingly urban world.
Download the report and/or get more information here.