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The Culture service is working from its four areas with the following objectives:

  • Maintenance of the existing line of subsidies and payment deadlines.
    • Increase the percentage of the 1st payment of subsidies from 70% to 80%.
    • To work for the speeding up of the 2nd payment of subsidies 2019 and not to delay the approval of subsidies for 2020.
  • Create different lines of support for creation.
  • Actively involve citizens in actions in different fields (visual arts, literature, cultural recommendations, etc.)
  • To promote communication with the public through social media.
  • Continuous advice to all the groups, collectives and cultural associations that need it.



The Cultural Agenda on line, with a whole series of proposals to enjoy from home:


A. The Library Network

1. Publication of an electronic newsletter, received by 32,000 subscribers.

2. Social media and web:

- Instagram with daily recommendation

- Spotify with daily recommendation

- Twitter with announcements and dissemination

- Web with daily updated news. On the main page of the web it is highlighted: widget instagram, spotify playlist, bases of the literary awards

- Virtual Library, recommendations on the virtual shelves of the Provincial Council

- E-biblio, online loan via download

3. Programming:

Publication on the website of the rules for the 3 literary Awards: Agustí Bartra, Anna Murià and Soler i Palet:

- Agustí Bartra of Poetry:

- Anna Murià from Stories:

- Soler i Palet de Narracions Cortes:

A temporary card is provided to register in ebiblio

Together with Òmnium Cultural, there will be a twitter or instagram thread, with the videos of the authors from Terrassa who have published a book in Catalan from April 2019 to April 2020. Each author will make a short video explaining his or her book.

Together with the Ateneu Terrassenc, during the week of Sant Jordi on the library website, a book will be published with the 10 short stories selected in the last edition of the Soler i Palet award.


B. The Archive

Through the Twitter account of the Historical Archive, some knowledge threads are posted explaining the incidence and impact of different epidemics that have occurred in Terrassa from the 14th century to the present. The links are these. The intention is to reach the present day.

- Incidence of the Black Death in Terrassa (1347-1349).

- Hospitals, hygiene and measures against plague in Terrassa (1380 to 1420).

- Turbulences and mortalities when Terrassa was "calle de Barcelona" (1421-90).

- Local measures, global effects. Pests in Terrassa (1506 to 1520).

- A village grows under permanent threat of epidemics (1527-79).

- The terrible plague of 1589 and the origin of the cult of St. Roch in Terrassa.

- Some phantom epidemics in Terrassa. Witches' stuff? (1607-1647)


C. The Museum

Social networks: Collection of micro-videos "Secrets of the Museum of Terrassa" where the director of the Museum of Terrassa follows the history of the city from Neanderthal to the present day.


D. Cultural Promotion

  1. A package of aid for creation and production aimed at local professional creators or those in the process of becoming professional, from all artistic fields.
  2. Reprogramming of the activity programmed during March / April / May of Performing Arts, Music and Visual Arts to attend the post-Covid cultural sector
  3. Expansion in days and shows of the summer cycle "We Make Summer" (Fem estiu) to give professional space to the artists of the city (Culture in the Territory)
  4. Call for Exhibition "Confined Arts" (Visual Arts)
  5. Production and organization of the exhibition on "Empty Terrassa" by a local photographer in order to have graphic documents of great value that will become intangible heritage of the City.
  6. Advice and continuous telephone and telematic support to all groups in the cultural field.
  7. Social Networks:

    @Terrassa Cultura:
    - compilation of the most outstanding actions being carried out by our followers (artists, entities and local associations)
    - Refuelling, story and highlight of what our networks are doing in instagram: artsvisualsterrassa, terrassaartsesceniques, terrassamusicamoderna, terrassamusicaclassica, mesapropterrassa
    - Commemorations of International Days: Poetry, Theatre, etc.- Collection of micro-videos "Secrets of the Museum of Terrassa"

    @Terrassa Artes Visuales, FB Sara Muncunill FB Terrassa Artes Visuales:
    - Daily publication of an audiovisual microcapsule with the exhibitions of the last three years of the cycles (Art Terrassa, Sala Muncunill and EspaiDos).
    - Publication in stories of calls and other artistic resources.

    Més a prop Terrassa, FB Més a prop Terrassa
    - Daily publication of recommendations, preview of the film programme Gaudí Cycles and video microcapsules with performances by members of amateur theatre groups in the city.
    - Publication in stories of municipal press releases and various cultural recommendations
    Terrassa Música Clásica, @Terrassa Música Moderna are making compilations of the contents carried out until now in order to have a complete vision of the artists and the concerts carried out in the city in these areas

    @Terrassa Arts Escèniques:
    - Compilations of the pieces represented in the municipal theatres
    - Competition for children to choose the cover of the family theatre programme for the next season
    - Challenge: "do you dare to transform your house into a stage?"


Source: Ajuntament de Terrassa

This page is also available in Spanish and Catalán.