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Info 2018 / 18

Info 2018 / 18 | Agenda 21 for Culture
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Beyond the Obvious

Annual conference of Culture Action Europe
Timisoara, Romania
25-27 October 2018

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IETM new publication

Safeguarding the daring voice. Arts & Freedom of Expression



This is the newsletter of UCLG Committee on culture. It’s sent to members of the Committee as well as the persons and organisations related to Agenda 21 for culture.

Voici la newsletter de la Commission culture de CGLU. Elle est envoyée aux membres de la Commission ainsi qu’aux personnes et organisations liées à l’Agenda 21 de la culture.

Este es el boletín de la Comisión de cultura de CGLU y se envia a los miembros de la Comisión así como a las personas y organizaciones relacionadas con la Agenda 21 de la cultura.

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